How are you feeling? How is your day going? Are you alright? We ask these questions all the time and the sentences roll from our tongues as easy as singing, but the real question is do we really care what the answer is?  Better yet, if someone asks us, how do we answer? Do we really fathom what it means to be well or more specifically, to exist in a state of wellness?

Today I’m going to give you my 5 Pillars of Wellness so that you’ll truly understand the concept and be on your way to living a better life, on purpose and with purpose, today!

Before we can discuss my 5 pillars, we need to first understand what it means to have wellness? So let’s look at a definition.

The National Wellness Institute defines Wellness as: Wellness is an active process through which people become aware of, and make choices toward, a more successful existence.

This means you’ve got to first make a conscious decision to understand and obtain knowledge to work towards wellness. People perish from a lack of knowledge.

In other words, the more educated you become about the factors that affect your health, the more likely you will be to obtain wellness.

  • Wellness is a conscious, self-directed and evolving process of achieving full potential.
  • Wellness is multidimensional and holistic, encompassing lifestyle, mental and spiritual well-being, and the environment.
  • Wellness is positive and affirming.
  • Wellness of the individual is good for the entire world.
  • Wellness affects everyone and everything.
  • Wellness is a mindset.

Although it is sad that Wellness can be divided into 6 dimensions, I focus on only 5 because there is some overlap in my opinion. I truly feel that emotions and spirituality are the same due to the presence of the soul. But that’s a whole other topic.

So here are my 5 Pillars of Wellness:  Emotional/Spiritual, Occupational, Physical, Social, and Intellectual.

  1. Emotional/Spiritual – find your sense of peace and balance. Get grounded spiritually and don’t let the outside circumstances affect you.
  2. Occupational – try to find happiness in what you do on a daily basis. Even if you hate your job, volunteer somewhere that you can make a difference in the lives of others.
  3. Physical – of course you need to be healthy. See you doctor and know your S.T.A.T.S. You need to know your numbers that count: weight, BMI, blood pressure, glucose levels (blood sugar) and total cholesterol.
  4. Social – having good relationships is a must. Even if you’re not dating, have a good time with others. Everybody needs somebody, sometime.
  5. Intellectual – the more you know, the more you’ll be informed and the more you can help yourself and others.

Focusing on your pillars will help you gain a better gauge on your own health. If these are in alignment, your overall wellness will be too. That’s all for now!

For more health and wellness tips my guide for healthy living is coming out soon. Fat Free For Life will be here 1/5/2016. Pre-order now.

Fat Free for Life Final Front Cover



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